The Bathrooms Multifaceted Role in Our Lives Revealed
Bathrooms for some are water proof rooms where we brush our teeth and take a shower. These folks are not moved by the gleam and sheen of a bathroom tile. Not impressed by the vast expanse of a stunning wall to floor bathroom mirror. Not stirred by the sight of a milk-white designer bathtub or spa. No, for these unimaginative members of the human race, a bathroom is a place to strip off and splash on a bit of H2O for a wash. For many others, it is something much more, some, in fact, describe it as a temple or retreat, where we not only wash our body but can wash our soul too.
Bathroom as Temple of Clean
House Therapy describes the bathroom as “your body’s garage or mechanical repair shop”, a room where we have a pit stop and top up and complete running repairs. It talks about the magical nature of our skin, as depicted in myth and psychology. Our appearance makes us, in many ways, uniquely who we are, as no one looks exactly like us, not even an identical twin. Our skin shows how life has impressed itself upon us and how we have coped with its vicissitudes. We examine our skin and complexion in the bathroom mirror, as we do in few other places, with a critical eye.
The Bathroom as Beauty Parlour
For many the bathroom is their beauty parlour. A sanctuary, where we can lock the door and keep out prying eyes for a little while, anyway. We examine the evidence in the mirror’s reflection and we take steps to heal imperfections. Hair and skin are not always comfortable bedfellows in that unwanted hairs sprout out of skin all too commonly. The interesting thing in history is that bathing used to be predominantly communal. Roman baths and Turkish baths were large public facilities, where people paid to utilise their features. Today, we are all queens and kings living inside our own palaces and castles. Privacy is paramount in the bathroom for most of us.
Bathrooms as Make-Up Studios
Women have a chameleon like quality, which is missing in most men. They apply face paints and cosmetics upon their skin. Children play at make-up for games and performances, with the bathroom as make-up studio for tomorrow’s budding talent. Where would our theatres and cinemas be without the grease paint and theatrical make-up?