The use of electricity in the bathroom needs to be smart because water and electrical current do not mix well without plenty of insulation and protection from each other. The bathroom experience can be made so much more enjoyable, however, with a few mod cons on hand. Innovative use of electricity in the bathroom: Bathroom safety and electricals make it possible to have great stuff at your fingertips. Bathrooms are about retreating from the stress of life, as well as cleaning the body.


Music in the Bathroom is Bliss


Personally, I like to listen to music in the bath and have a wonderful speaker set up to serenade me whilst in the tub. Can you imagine a bit of Bach on the turntable as you indulge in a bath full of healing salts like magnesium? It is a real joy after exercise and a day at the coal face or in traffic. Beautiful music vibrating within the chamber, as I relax back in the embrace of warming water. I like to look out the window at the sky, naked in my steaming tub and smelling the aromatherapy. Life it does not get much better than this. LED lighting on a relaxing setting in your bathroom is rather nice.


Electrical Safety Tips for Sydney Bathrooms


There are electrical safety tips for Sydney homeowners that you can check out to ensure that you are conforming to best practice in this regard. Take the worry out of your home spa experience by thorough preparation when it comes to being informed about safety. Innovative use of electricity in the bathroom: Bathroom safety and electricals means that you can rest assured and be free of nasty shocks. Your electrician can install plugs in the right places to facilitate your electrical requirements at home. Good design can really help when it comes to relaxing in style in your bathroom.



Of course, if electrocution occurs you can sue the electrician but let us all hope that it does not come to this. My new trick is watching movies in the bath and I have had a screen installed in my bathroom to make this a delightful experience. You want the screen and speakers to be in the right places for safety and to avoid getting a sore neck. Watching programmes in the bath involve your head and neck being in a comfortable position whilst enjoying the viewing experience. Bathrooms can be a wonderful high-tech experience for those who are well prepared.